Monday, October 15, 2007


Saturday, October 06, 2007

I came to Los Angeles a week ago Wednesday. I flew in on a red eye. My flight was at 7am or something close to zero. It was a balmy night, that night.

I got here and Miki dragged me back to 966. IT WAS IN DISREPAIR. M ostly disgusting carpets and mess everywhere. The front yard was covered in litter.

John left for Alaska. I've been staying up there until he gets back in 6 weeks. It's big and roomy.

The first day I was here I got a nice blanket, a pillow, the wrong size pillow cases, breakfast bars, and PHO2000.

I came here for interviews. I had three set up. Two went really good, and I'm working on a project for one of them. I interviewed at a costume place but it was only a week long project so i passed. I interviewed at a college up in Pomona for a short, decent paying thing. The woman who interviewed me was worried about me getting bored or something. I wrote her a follow-up but she hasn't written back yet. I went in for an interview for a production manager at some other place and left after talking to some design head honcho. I'm working on a project for them too, to prove that I'm capable of putting something together.

We went to a demolition derby, I got hub caps for my car, I got a bike, and mostly eat soup everyday.

We went to Ms. Senior California. There was a lot of high pitched singing. Last year's winner came on stage and told everybody how last year after she won, she went on a coast to coast bike ride across the US and got bit by a spider on the neck. Then she got hit by car and nearly missed Ms. Senior USA. I think she got second even though she had rigger mortis fingers from the crippling venom the spider. On the way home we stopped to get food at some place that was hawaiian themed, but we mostly had chips and salsa. I had endless tortilla soup. Joy and I split a box of candy from Bed Bath and Beyond.