Saturday, March 24, 2007

This morning I woke up and and I heard dripping. The noise wasn't coming from my trousers, but instead my sink was overflowing onto my hardwood floor. The sink has been clogged for some time, but that doesn't explain why it started to overflow. I didnt leave the sink on. In fact, i havent used the sink cause it's clogged. I was gonna go and tell PK that he needed to fix it, but my key to get into the office doesn't work, because nothing works in this country. One time he saw me trying to pry my way into the laundary room and he said "come back Monday and i'll give you a new key." I said, "why can't we go get a new one out of the office now?" He said, "Im not sure". Oh, so even if i got into the office with my broken key, it wouldn't do any good cause everybody's on break, including the man paid full time to fix things and make sure nobody climbs onto the roof. I ended up just goign to the grocery store to get some Mr. Muscle to unclog it. Since the entire sink was filled with water, I figured I should empty the sink of water so that the Mr. Musscle had a better Muscle to water ratio. I dont have a bucket so I used my skillet to scoop out water and then toss out the window. I was gonnna take it down the hall to the bathroom but that is too much walking and maneuvering and door opening. So I just flung it out the window. As soon as it got airborne and I turned around to get scoop #2 I heard somebody downsstars scream-moan.


Blogger Joy Nash said...

I ell oh elled at this one.

10:26 AM  

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