Last nite Joy and I went to see Pilgrims at the Ricardo Montobon theater in Hollyweird. It was fun. The show was good. Then we went out to eat and got the SAME THING again. this time it was bar-b-q salad.. I think Michael had fish of some sorts. He remarked on the waiters large muscles.
We got home and watched American Inventor. Theres is this crazy lady on there who fell down 40 feet and her "best buddy" accidentally threw down his jacket with the car keys. She is on crutches. Does anybody understand this or even care? I do. Email me if you do.
Today I got up too early and went to Long Beach to Art's studio to pick up the new rayon pieces and linen jacket. Everythiing looked good then I went to meet him down at the Grand Prix. My phone ran out of batteries and then my camera so i only have 3 images which have little3 or nothign to do with the show.. except that lady "works" there.
also i am selling my shoes. these are the pictures.
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