I had a birthday and got lots of good things.
My friends from Chicago sent me a Fart bomb, 2 books, WWF airfresheners, a dinosaur toy, and a pillow that I really enjoy. My parents got me $100 that I will spend on new shoes. My brother, Miki, Rhoda, and Bridget got me a voucher for a ride on a Hot Air Balloon!! THey are gonna come and watch as I sail off into the sky with a bunch of strangers. Afterwords, there is assorted food including cheese and finger meat. ALso, they got me a coupon for the LA GUn Club. I always wanted to fire a gun, and NOW I CAN!! Anne sent me a beautiful card that was intended for a black person. I got 10000000 msypace messages.
On my birthday, I drove home from San Diego where i went for job interview to teach in Japan. Andy made dinner. There were photographs of ballons all around the house. It was really good. Then people sat around. Miki came home with a bag of records she found in an alley so we danced until like 1:30. I had a nice time.
Yesterday we went and saw Piano Spheres at Disney Center. Vicki Ray was there and some guy wearing a pink blouse. Most of the music was really good. We saw this guy with red hair who performed on Steve Reich night. He sat in front of us. We also saw this 60 year old man wearing black shorts, black shirt, and a black hat. Also, Terry RIley was there adn he looked amazing. Harmonium is playing this weekend. I think I might go on Sunday. Meet me there.
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