Anne came over at 3pm. First she was lost on a dirt road in LA she claims.. She says it said Arapahoe on it but was at 18th and Arapahoe and it was a dirt road.. Maybe her Cobalt windows are dirty. Then she got a mug of diet root beer.
and we played scrabble with John. The added twist was that the winner got their name carved in a pumpkin. Play began with wax.
Things got more interesting when John mentioned that there was ANOTHER pumpkin
behind the bamboo bushes. I fished it out and then we had one for the winner, one for the loser. Play continued. Ben Harper told us that he brought that pumpkin with him when he moved in and remembered that it was his cause it had moles on it. We emptied them. Anne but notches on the top. It got cold. We moved inside, John lit a fire, we looked at it for 2 seconds and then left for happy hour at Cha Cha Cha in the dirty window Cobalt.
We ate and drank. Anne fake-ordered something on a touch screen server consoul. We then went to dump off our cars at pumpkin central, but we got tied up when the Sky flute, a saxophone, and bells made its way onto the porch. We had one visitor who lives across the street. He was nice and sat on the porch for a while. He agreed with us that Tupac-Richard-Robert is possibly a phony. The pumpkins aren't carved yet and the game ain't over. That is for sure (not a phony). The blooger photo thing is busted.. Will post photo of mug, pumpkins, ect ASAP

Things got more interesting when John mentioned that there was ANOTHER pumpkin

behind the bamboo bushes. I fished it out and then we had one for the winner, one for the loser. Play continued. Ben Harper told us that he brought that pumpkin with him when he moved in and remembered that it was his cause it had moles on it. We emptied them. Anne but notches on the top. It got cold. We moved inside, John lit a fire, we looked at it for 2 seconds and then left for happy hour at Cha Cha Cha in the dirty window Cobalt.
We ate and drank. Anne fake-ordered something on a touch screen server consoul. We then went to dump off our cars at pumpkin central, but we got tied up when the Sky flute, a saxophone, and bells made its way onto the porch. We had one visitor who lives across the street. He was nice and sat on the porch for a while. He agreed with us that Tupac-Richard-Robert is possibly a phony. The pumpkins aren't carved yet and the game ain't over. That is for sure (not a phony). The blooger photo thing is busted.. Will post photo of mug, pumpkins, ect ASAP

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