Today, we started a new class. It will last two weeks and involves a self-portrait and life drawing. The teacher is old, has BO, and yelled at my friend and I for talking. She also has cut off sweatshirts and is really helpful and smart!
On the way home, the doors were closing on the underground subway car, and this man came out of nowhere and LAUNCHED himself through the door. As the doors closed, it looked like he was getting squeezed into my car. He then ran to a chair and ripped open his magazine and carried on with breathing. He was sitting next to a lady with a sweartshit that said "Von Bitch". Her boobs were crooked and ate a smashed ham sandwich out of a plastic bowl that looked wet.
I just finished watching Stuck on You with Cher and Greg Kinnear and Matt Damon. I didn't have popcorn and had to settle for two apples and my inventory of custard.
Yesterday I signed up for CAD at LCF. I am thinking it is gonna be FUN and INFORMATIVE.
cher was hardly worth mentioning in that movie, i agree she was the catalyst but, please. matt and greg should have been listed before cher. marthas vineyard.
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